Tuesday 1 April 2014


Asaalam everyone,
Right now you may possibly be sitting with a cup of tea in front of the telly, your hard day at school behind you, or at work tapping away on your PC, hoping that time will simply fly by. WELL STOP! Whatever it is you're doing- from cooking to cleaning and writing to reading (probably this blog), ensure you do so without an inkling of boredom, because you have to get up- and LIVE!

Now don't start commenting with the whole YOLO thing, because that's plain annoying. :(
Despite the fact that ,as Muslims, we do believe in two lives (the second being permanent) it doesn't give you an excuse to go huddle yourself up and hide in a corner all your life, because, not only could you be using your time much more wisely doing Ibadah, reading Quran, gaining knowledge, giving Dawah etc. but what happiness would one gain from constant isolation, because we believe that we won't be here forever? However, the amount of wealth you own, how high your status is or what you wear when you leave the house doesn't either.
True  peace at heart is actually knowing that materialistic objects hold no worth. In the eyes of Allah (SWT) I'm pretty sure that the change you put in that small charity box next to you, that would go on to help a child without parents, is MUCH better than spending It on your second serving of fish and chips.
Fish and Chips aside, the amount of wealth you have will come of no use to you when you have passed away, your favourite dress will probably outgrow you at least once, the spots you eagerly wish to rid of may be followed on by wrinkles!
The true way to achieve peace and happiness is to divert your attention from materialistic objects and positions and concentrate on  pleasing Allah SWT.
At the most random of moments, I will sit still as if frozen within the depths of time and admire this perfect picture of me and those around me laughing as a sign of enjoyment.
I attended a talk the other day, and for a small section of the talk the sister mentioned homes and families now-a-days. Subhanallah, within our own relatives we get jealous, we start thinking "Oh, she's prettier than me" "He's got much more than me", "They're smarter than me."
It's not supposed to be that way, we need to start from the home Insha-Allah.
So, overall, true peace, in my opinion, would mean remembering that this is not our permanent life, and aiming for Jannah, but at the same time not entrapping yourself in such a way that you do not talk to anyone, smile at anyone, or taking in what I've said and going outside to YOLO yourself away- tut, tut, tut! :(
Rather, to be thankful to Allah SWT and to make your highest goal Jannah.
So don't obsess over how you look to others, how much wealth you have- but don't waste your time by entrapping yourself.
Prove your love for Allah SWT
I'm setting a little task for you, go thank Allah SWT, say Allhamdullilah for something- find a way to thank our creator for all which he has given us- IA keep me in your Duas as well please.
JZK for reading, hope you're having a great day and Asaalam!

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