Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Work and Ramadan?

A common obstacle that sits in front of one, blocking the path which would enable them to achieve all their goals for the Ramadan is work....

This can be related to ones job, or school, therefore, I have compiled a step-to-step guide on how to overcome this problem.

Firstly, prep a list of upcoming events (tests, projects etc.) which you will have to work on overtime, if unsure ask a teacher or colleague.

Thereafter, choose specific times to work on this project, or revise for this test. I recommend doing as much preparation before hand, and perhaps putting together certain tasks to do during Ramadan, that way you will not actually be doing all the work during Ramadan, however, you will still be able to fit it all in Insha-Allah. For example, when the topic of tests pop up, I would recommend doing all revision before hand, and preparing small activities for during Ramadan, so you can recap the revision but not take up to much time.
Finally, ensure you fit it into your Ramadan time-table (Another upcoming blog post Insha-Allah)

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