Sunday 19 October 2014

The A-Z of me!

Asaalam U Alaikum,
I understand that it's been a while since my last blog post, however, I just cannot comprehend where the time has gone! My summer was fun packed and busy straight after Ramadan Alhamdulillah, and I just have not found the time or inspiration for a blog post in a while, however, after having read up on A 'Muslimah Musings' recent post, I decided to have a go at her 'A-Z of me tag'. Jazakumallah Khairan for the wonderful idea sister!

Age- That one's a secret ;)
Bed Size- King, passed on from an older sister, who has placed years of effort into making it as warm
and comfortable as it is.
Chore you hate- Varies on how I feel, but let's put it this way- we have chickens... and they have to do their business to, and they can't clean it up on their own...
Dogs- Never really been into dogs. If I had to say- then whatever breed this guy is:

Essential Start of the day- Obviously Fajr, but after that the morning Dua, I feel a lot more awake after having said it.
Gold Or Silver- Hmmm..... I don't know why, but I'd go for gold.
Height- TALL.
Instruments I play- I used to have Clarinet lessons in Primary school, but I never really learnt much, and despite the fact I don't really play any instruments, I can play "In The Jungle" on keyboard.
Job Title- Muslimah first, but I'd love to work with children one day Insha Allah.
Kids- When I'm older Insha Allah.
Live- In an awesome house with a crazy bunch.
Mum's name- Her FULL name is mother.
Nickname- So many, IkkuBikku and Iya are two of them (they link in with my actual name)
Pet Peeve- People touching my face- Garrrrghhhh
Quote from a movie- "HEY- I'M GLIDING HERE!" Miss Congeniality
Right or left handed- right
Siblings- four- and only of them is a brother!
Time you wake up- Fajr, but then I'll go back to bed and wake up at 7:00 on a weekday.
On a weekend it's around 9ish, 10ish, even after waking up at that time my Dad will stay say "Good Afternoon" to tease me. ;)
Underwear- huh? I don't get it.
Vegetables I dislike- I hate ladyfingers and aubergine, bitter gourd- OH HOW I HATE BITTERGOURD.
What makes you run late- A lot of things. Getting ready. That's probably the main one for a lot of people.
X-rays you've had done- Not really any, ultrasound once, but that was just for a small medical problem.
Yummy food you make- I made this thing called duchess potato once, it was supposed ton be cooked as separate little potatoes, however, I made it in one bowl, and everyone seemed to like that.
Zoo Animal-Penguins and Pandas are cool. I like giraffes, for some reason, I'm not sure why.

I hope you enjoyed the post,

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