Friday 25 April 2014

Living as a book worm.

Asaalam all,
After having watched a recent video by Amenakin, I felt it was almost compulsory to write a post on the books I have been reading recently, due to the fact that I, to, enjoy reading. Finding your mind and thoughts entrapped within a book is a unique feeling, and searching for that feeling through a passion of reading, by looking for books that suit ones personality and opinions, is an adventure within itself.
I am not actually going to write on three books I have read recently (as requested in the video) simply because I cannot remember (I have my excuses- maybe...) however, one book has simply fascinated me and even though I have not yet completed it, I do wish to share it, as from my personal views, I believe it would be able to increase ones Imaan.

"When Life Begins" By Abu Yahya, is the story of a Muslim man, who holds the name Abdullah, being brought back to life after his time in the grave, and due to the fact that he lived a good, righteous life Masha-Allah, he is to be given reward, he shares with us his experience of the day along-side his companion Saleh.

This book is one of motivation through truth. It inspires one to get up and allow the angel who records their good deeds to be constantly writing (a segment from the book). Not only does it show the consequence, but also the rewards, and I look forward to reading the rest Insha-Allah.
I am also interested in reading more about Abdullah Quilliam, and at current, the only book I know of is "The Life And Times Of Abdullah Quilliam", which I discovered through the video.
Recently, I downloaded an app entitled "Islamic eBooks" and I eagerly await downloading some of the many free eBooks, seeing as all the in-app purchases (i.e. the books) are free!
Now would be the time for you to cosy down whilst holding a book, and your warm cup of tea sitting besides you. (Psst... plus one if you love reading).
Jzk for reading, hope you're having a great day and Asaalam!

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